Easy-To-Grow Flowers Northern Colorado

Here are some easy-to-grow flowers to plant in the ground or in pots to beautify the front of your home this summer:

Perennials: Salvia, Marion Sampson, Lavender, Poppy mix, Corsecan Violet, Tapestry Carpet, Russian Sage, Gallery Mix, Rosanne, Cheyenne Spirit.

More infomation here: Top Ten Perennials

Annuals for Pollinators: Cosmos, Zinnias, Alyssum, Sunflowers, Petunias, Latania, Daisies and Pansies

More information about all sorts of annuals here: Annuals of all sorts

Generally, we need to wait until after Mother’s Day to put our plants outside. Check these guides to see which plants grow best around her and when to put different plants outside.

Planting Calendar Fort Collins

Colorado Vegetable Guide


Spring In Colorado